Source code for metrics.sample.sample_needle

from typing import List, Union, Optional

from metrics.sample.sample import Sample

[docs]class SampleNeedle(Sample): """ Representation of a simulated sample in needle shape. The needle samples represent fine-needle aspiration biopsies, which use a hollow needle to remove a tissue sample. Attributes ---------- simulation_radius : Radius of the simulation. sample_width : Width of the sample. direction : {1,2,3,4,5,6} Direction of the sample. """ def __init__(self, simulation_radius: int, sample_width: int, direction: Optional[int]): self.simulation_radius = simulation_radius self.sample_width = sample_width if direction not in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]: raise ValueError("The direction is invalid.") self.direction = direction
[docs] def get_sample_key(self) -> str: """ Get key that describes sample method. Returns ------- : Sample key which includes sampling method, simulation radius, and sample width. """ return f"needle-R{self.simulation_radius}-W{self.sample_width}-D{self.direction}"
[docs] def select_sample_locations(self) -> List[tuple]: """ Get a list of needle sampling locations. Returns ------- : Coordinates for needle sample locations. """ if (self.sample_width % 2) == 0: raise ValueError("Width has to be an odd number.") half_width = (self.sample_width + 1) / 2 coord_range = range(-self.simulation_radius + 1, self.simulation_radius) return [ (u, v, w) for u in coord_range for v in coord_range for w in coord_range if self.valid_coords_for_needle_direction((u, v, w), self.direction, half_width) ]
[docs] @staticmethod def valid_coords_for_needle_direction( coords: tuple, direction: int, half_width: Union[int, float] ) -> bool: """ Parameters ---------- coords : Sample coordinate u, v, and w. direction : The direction of needle sample. half_width : Half of the sample width. Returns ------- : True if coordinate should be included in sample locations, else False. """ u, v, w = coords direction_conditions = { 1: abs(u) < half_width and v <= 0 <= w, 2: w <= 0 <= u and abs(v) < half_width, 3: u <= 0 <= v and abs(w) < half_width, 4: v <= 0 <= u and abs(w) < half_width, 5: abs(u) < half_width and w <= 0 <= v, 6: u <= 0 <= w and abs(v) < half_width, } return direction_conditions[direction] and (u + v + w) == 0