Source code for metrics.analysis.simulation

from typing import List, Union
from os import path
import ntpath
import json

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from metrics.feature.continuous_feature import ContinuousFeature
from metrics.feature.discrete_feature import DiscreteFeature
from metrics.feature.feature import Feature

[docs]class Simulation: """ Container for simulated tumor object data. Attributes ---------- file : Path and file name for the simulation file. path : Directory to the folder of simulation file. key : File name without extension or seed. seed : Seed of the simulation. extension : Extension of the simulation file. timepoints : Time point(s) (in days) in the simulation file. max_radius : Maximum radius of the simulation. """ def __init__(self, simulation_file: str): self.file = simulation_file self.path: str = "" self.key: str = "" self.seed: int = 0 self.extension: str = "" self.timepoints: List[float] = [] self.max_radius: int = 0 self.parse_file() self.parse_config() def __str__(self) -> str: attributes = [ ("file", self.file), ("path", self.path), ("key", self.key), ("seed", self.seed), ("timepoints", self.timepoints), ("max_radius", self.max_radius), ] attribute_strings = [f"{key:10} = {value}" for key, value in attributes] string = "\n\t".join(attribute_strings) return "SIMULATION\n\t" + string
[docs] def load_simulation(self, suffix: str = "") -> dict: """ Load simulation file into memory. Parameters ---------- suffix : Suffix of the file. Returns ------- : Loaded simulation file. """ file_name = ( f"{self.path}/{self.key}{suffix}/{self.key}_{self.seed:02}{suffix}{self.extension}" ) with open(file_name, "r", encoding="utf-8") as json_file: loaded_simulation = json.load(json_file) return loaded_simulation
[docs] def parse_file(self) -> None: """ Parse out attributes from file name. """ self.path = ntpath.dirname(self.file) base = ntpath.basename(self.file) remove_extension = path.splitext(base)[0] remove_suffix = path.splitext(remove_extension)[0] self.seed = int(remove_suffix[-2:]) self.extension = path.splitext(base)[1] self.key = remove_suffix[:-3]
[docs] def parse_config(self) -> None: """ Parse out attributes from loaded simulation file. """ loaded_simulation = self.load_simulation() self.timepoints = [tp["time"] for tp in loaded_simulation["timepoints"]] self.max_radius = loaded_simulation["config"]["size"]["radius"]
[docs] def parse_timepoint(self, timepoint: float) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Parse data from simulation. Parameters ---------- timepoint : Time point to parse simulation. Returns ------- : Dataframe with simulation data. """ loaded_simulation = self.load_simulation() loaded_param_simulation = self.load_simulation(suffix=".PARAM") if timepoint not in self.timepoints: raise ValueError("The timepoint not included in simulation file.") time_index = self.timepoints.index(timepoint) parsed_data = [] sim_timepoint = loaded_simulation["timepoints"][time_index]["cells"] param_timepoint = loaded_param_simulation["timepoints"][time_index]["cells"] for (location, cells), (_, param_cells) in zip(sim_timepoint, param_timepoint): u = int(location[0]) v = int(location[1]) w = int(location[2]) z = int(location[3]) szudzik_coordinate = self.get_szudzik_pair(u, v) for cell, param_cell in zip(cells, param_cells): population = cell[1] state = cell[2] position = cell[3] volume = np.round(cell[4]) cycle = np.round(np.mean(cell[5])) max_height = param_cell[4][3] meta_pref = param_cell[4][8] migra_threshold = param_cell[4][9] data_list = [ self.key, self.seed, timepoint, szudzik_coordinate, u, v, w, z, position, str(population), str(state), volume, cycle, max_height, meta_pref, migra_threshold, ] parsed_data.append(data_list) columns = [ for feature in self.get_feature_list()] return pd.DataFrame(parsed_data, columns=columns)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_szudzik_pair(u: int, v: int) -> float: """ Convert positions with positive or negative UV coordinates into a coordinate ID with signed Szudzik pairing function. A pairing function on a set associates each pair of numbers with a unique number through mathematical functions. Parameters ---------- u : U coordinate of the position. v : V coordinate of the position. Returns ------- : The unique ID of the position coordinate. """ if u >= 0: new_u = 2 * u else: new_u = (-2 * u) - 1 if v >= 0: new_v = 2 * v else: new_v = (-2 * v) - 1 if new_u >= new_v: return (new_u**2 + new_u + new_v) * 0.5 return (new_v**2 + new_u) * 0.5
[docs] @staticmethod def get_feature_list() -> List[Feature]: """ Return a list of valid Feature objects. Returns ------- : List of Feature objects. """ return [ Feature("key", "TEXT", False), Feature("seed", "INTEGER", False), Feature("time", "REAL", False), Feature("coordinate", "INTEGER", False), Feature("u", "INTEGER", False), Feature("v", "INTEGER", False), Feature("w", "INTEGER", False), Feature("z", "INTEGER", False), Feature("p", "INTEGER", False), DiscreteFeature("population", "TEXT", False), DiscreteFeature("state", "TEXT", False), ContinuousFeature("volume", "REAL", False), ContinuousFeature("cycle", "REAL", True), ContinuousFeature("max_height", "REAL", False), ContinuousFeature("meta_pref", "REAL", False), ContinuousFeature("migra_threshold", "REAL", False), ]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_feature_object(feature_name: str) -> Union[ContinuousFeature, DiscreteFeature]: """ Return feature object valid for statistics calculation. Parameters ---------- feature_name : Name of feature. Returns ------- : Feature object. """ feature_list = Simulation.get_feature_list() for feature in feature_list: if == feature_name: if isinstance(feature, (ContinuousFeature, DiscreteFeature)): return feature raise ValueError("Feature is not valid for statistics calculation.") raise ValueError("Feature does not exist.")